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Day 1 Programme - details coming soon!
5:13 pm
3:00 pm
Presented by:
another from Tech Circus7
Join us 15 minutes before the first talk of the day to get an introduction from Tech Circus. This will cover: best practices for using the platform, what to expect, as well as information on our partn done this goos ne
11:00 am
8:00 am
Presented by:

another from Tech Circus88
Join us 15 minutes before the first talk of the day to get an introduction from Tech Circus. This will cover: best practices for using the platform, what to expect, as well as information on our partn done this goos ne
2:00 pm
1:00 pm
Presented by:

Introduction from Tech Circus3
Join us 15 minutes before the first talk of the day to get an introduction from Tech Circus. This will cover: best practices for using the platform, what to expect, as well as information on our partn done this goos ne Join us 15 minutes before the first talk of the day to get an introduction from Tech Circus. This will cover: best practices for using the platform, what to expect, as well as information on